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The Yuha Electric Story

Yuha Electric was founded in May of 2012, just before my first daughter was born.  I took the leap of faith to begin my own company because I wasn’t going to be “the father who wasn’t around for his kids”.  And this is exactly where I was headed with my previous employer since I was specializing in managing out-of-town projects at the time.

We originated as a sole-proprietorship as it was simpler to keep books and to save money. My wife, Dennel, was learning as we went.  My first job I had lined up was a home wire project for a friend.  It was long hours and rigorous work as, being the only employee, I had every job to myself.  Word of mouth grew from there and it soon bloomed to a point where I could hardly keep up with my work.  And then I got a call from Read Contracting in Camrose.  I had always wanted to get back into commercial work but residential was by far the easiest to groom the company into at the beginning and this was perhaps the opportunity I needed.  They were building two fire halls in St. Paul county and asked if I wanted to bid on the projects.  We won the bid.  I was now in the predicament of being understaffed and financing two huge projects.

After serious thought, consideration, and searching, I was able to surround myself with employees that shared the same values of balancing top quality hard work along with family time.

Since then we have gotten many custom homes, renovations, upgrades, commercial jobs, agricultural barns, a law firm, service calls and we have learned to feed off each other to grow personally and professionally as the beginning of Yuha Electric and Contracting Ltd.

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